Pro Capture X for Organization

“The Pro CaptureX platform efficiently manages 3D scans and patient data with a built-in file system. Prioritizing cybersecurity, it’s an essential tool for organizations.”

Pro Capture X for Organization

“The Pro CaptureX platform efficiently manages 3D scans and patient data with a built-in file system. Prioritizing cybersecurity, it’s an essential tool for organizations.”

How it Works

Discover streamlined work processes with Pro captureX. Seamlessly sign up across platforms, manage patient data effortlessly, and perform advanced 3D scanning with ease. Our secure token system simplifies transactions, while seamless collaboration ensures smooth file sharing between platforms. Elevate your work with Pro Capture X.

User Access Made Easy

Sign up and Log in on web, iPhone, or iPad, with the same credentials everywhere. Controlled by role-based access, Admins, Purchasers, and Practitioners enjoy secure, tailored access.

Effortless Patient Data

Managing patient records is a breeze. Add, update, or delete records with ease. Files like 3D scans are neatly organized by date, ensuring easy management.

Advanced 3D Scanning

Experience high-quality 3D scanning with iPhones and iPads. iPads use Structure Sensor Pro for precision, while iPhones employ TrueDepth sensor for easy one-click scans. Scans are stored in patient’s file manager for instant access.

Secure Token System

Pro Capture X’s token system simplifies transactions. Purchase tokens, download files – it’s that simple. Designers access paid files seamlessly.

Seamless Collaboration

Send files effortlessly from Pro CaptureX to
Pro MakersX. Designed for clinic needs, paid 3D files can be easily downloaded by designers.

Seamless Team Communication

Communicate effortlessly with your Designer, facilitating inquiries and responses like a text messaging platform, complete with timestamps and identities for streamlined collaboration.

Step 1 – iOS Scanning Process

Patient Detail Page

Begin by opening the patient’s detail page and selecting “New Scan.”

Body Part Selection

Choose the relevant body part and perform the scanning.

File Stored on DB

The scanned file is stored in the iOS app’s date folder and synced with the web app.

Step 2 – File Transmission and Communication

Patient Detail Page

Begin by opening the patient’s detail page and selecting “New Scan.”

File Transmission

Send the file to the designer, generating a unique order ID

Built-in Communication

Utilize the built-in chat for communication between the organization and the designer.

Step 3 – Processing and Completion

Processing by Designer

Designer receives the order, processes the data, and sends it back

Status Update – Received

In Organization order status changes to “Received” upon data return from Designer

Order Completion

The organization marks the order as “Complete” after reviewing the processed data.

All-in-One Business Solution

Pro Capture X 

Your Complete Operating System

Transform your entire business with Pro CaptureX’s unified cloud software. Our platform is tailor-made to dissolve barriers between organizations and manufacturers, enhancing overall efficiency.